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CLAMCLEAT® Junior Racing Klemme CL236




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Wir präsentieren die ClamCleat® Junior Racing Klemme CL236

The roller fairlead allows ropes to enter the cleat from above. Ideal for sun umbrellas, shades & sun sails. Also dinghy control lines. To keep ropes in or out of the cleat, the CL236 can be used with our CL814 Keeper

Available in two finishes: 
- CL236 has a silver stove enamel finish for a cost effective, high quality coating.  A nylon version is available for lower loads - CL203/S1.

- CL236AN has a hard anodised finish to give a hard wearing surface. 

This cleat can be used for drop-down work surfaces

Accessories for CL236/S1 

- The CL814 Keeper is added to prevent the rope getting caught in the teeth of the cleat. Keepers keep a rope in the cleat, or keep it out of the cleat.

- The Cage CL816 is an accessory that allows ropes to be cleated and uncleated at an angle of up to 70 degrees, rather than only in line with the cleat

- The Clamcleat® CL818 Tapered Pad aids correct rope/cleating alignment. It can allow tensioning without rubbing the rope over the cleat teeth.



kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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