NeilPryde XC Race Carbon Boom Carbon Boom NeilPryde


NeilPryde XC Race Carbon Boom




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Wir präsentieren den NeilPryde XC Race Carbon Boom.

The XC Race is a milestone in windsurf boom history. The first boom featuring an integrated outhaul system for easy trimming of the sail during sailing. The monocoque pre-preg carbon construction of the XC Race combined with oval diameter arms makes it the ultimate racing boom available on the market.



Designed for high performance racing. As the trim- lines slide inside the boom arms, offering maximum comfort while racing as there are no more disturbing ropes in your way. Spectra inhaul rope.

neilpryde windsurfing boom


Replicates the natural shape of your palms and fingers offering great comfort and grip strength to extend your riding sessions. The oval shape also increases the stiffness of the boom arms by increasing torsional rigidity.

neilpryde windsurfing boom


Our integrated boom lever comes with high quality Dyneema rope.

neilpryde windsurfing boom

Monocoque custom pre-preg carbon tail extension. Featuring a hollow box section tubes/square profiles. Structured with 7 pulleys for ease of use. Compatible with the Interouthaul trimming whilst also featuring a cleat system for fixed outhaul set up.

neilpryde windsurfing boom
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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