Unifiber windsurf windsurfing downhaul tool trimmhilfe winch
Unifiber windsurf windsurfing downhaul tool trimmhilfe winch


Unifiber Daunhaul Tool Winde Trimmhilfe


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Wir präsentieren die Unifiber Daunhaul Tool Winde Trimmhilfe.

Rig up faster and easier with the Unifiber 2-1 Winch, the must need tool for any windsurfer! Years of rigging have lead to the ultimate design that allows you to quickly set your downhaul without hurting your hands and get the most precise settings possible. Because the diameter of the Unifiber winch is only 10 mm, it's lighter to use than other winches. The 2-1 winch can be used in two ways. You can insert the pin into the bottom of your extension and easily use the crank to set the sail to the exact specifications you desire - perfect for racing and formula sailors. Or you can remove the winch from the crank and slip the rope through the cleat on the winch itself and use the ergonomically refined grip to easily pull any sail to your desired setting. Whether you're looking for assistance in fine-tuning your rig or just a quick way to reduce strain on the hands, the Unifiber 2-1 Winch is perfect tool to have in every windsurfer's tool kit. Developed in conjunction with Caspar Verhaagen.

kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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