Patrik Board IQ-Foil IQFOILING Board


Patrik IQ FOIL COMP 95


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Wir präsentieren das Patrik IQ FOIL COMP 95 Board.

Official PATRIK iQ foil board. Fully approved and registered for any national and international iQ Class racing. Produced by the official iQ gear factories. Technically 100% identical to IQ gear sold by other brands. Warranty process via the official iQ gear factories. Specs and quality guaranteed by the official iQ gear factories.

PATRIK Foil Comp IQ 220x95cm / 196 liters

The Olympic foil racing board. 95cm wide for convenient air travel. Allows for foil racing in 5 knots of wind and above. Efficient in light winds, controllable in strong winds, convertible to fin mode and built in the original carbon technology.





Extra-large cutouts reduce the wetted area and improve the take-off onto the foil.


The sharp rails in the tail allow the boards to get planing early and reach take-off speed more easily. Additionally, the board will bounce off the water if you clip the water surface instead of sticking and throwing you into a catapult.

The bevelled nose improves aerodynamics and ultimately provides more control at high speeds.


Deck concave and recessed mast track for a more vertical sailing position while closing the gap between the sail and the deck of the board.


kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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